Healthy Schools
We pride ourselves on being very healthy at Hawksworth CE Primary School.
We attained 'Asthma Friendly' status in 2016 (one of the first Leeds schools to achieve this) and retained our Healthy Schools status in March 2024 - Healthy Schools Inspection Report, March 2024 - Link
Every class enjoys two hours of P.E. each week. There are currently sports after-school clubs too, run by our enthusiastic staff. Play-times are extremely active as children use outdoor activity equipment, our large playing field, two adventure trails, the ‘barked’ area as well as all the equipment for sports.
Every child is encouraged to eat the free fruit or veg supplied every day by Leeds City Council along with their milk or water. All our children have clear water bottles and can drink throughout the day to ensure good brain hydration for learning empowerment! (School Lunches Page)
Our school dinners are fabulous and are rigorously checked for balance and nutrition by both Leeds Catering.
PSHE forms a large part of our healthy school curriculum as every class has opportunities to discuss our key ‘6 Values’ and general social skills are also discussed in fun ways through games and activities. PSHCE lessons are integrated within our 'SEAL' (social, emotional aspects of learning) work. There is also a weekly 'Value statement' introduced in the Monday assembly. (Our '6 Values' Page)
As you can see, Healthy Schools is so much more than being active and eating sensibly, it supports the whole child through social and emotional well-being so that they are healthy and happy enough to achieve their full potential in their learning.